What’s Electrolysis Hair Removal & How It Works?

Electrolysis hair removal is a form of permanent hair removal that’s FDA-approved. The practice involves the use of a microscopic needle that releases heated current directly into the hair follicle tube, destroying the follicle & its capability to regrow or sustain new hair growth. Unlike other treatments that promise to be “permanent” until those small patches of hair begin to grow back to the surface… the effects of electrolysis are truly permanent.

Am I a good candidate for electrolysis hair removal?

As far as cosmetic procedures are concerned, there’re generally some factors that can determine how detailed the outcomes will be on any given patient. The same rule is applicable in electrolysis as well.

Hair Removal

With regard to the more widespread laser hair removal therapy, candidates are only fitting for the treatment if their hair and skin have dramatic color contrast since that procedure works through targeting contrasting hues.

However, for electrolysis, the contrast between the skin and hair males little-to-no-difference. Regardless of how fine or fair, dark or coarse your hair, you are perhaps a suitable candidate for electrolysis hair removal.

What’s the length of the procedure?

How long the procedure can take will differ based on several factors, including the amount of hair & area of the body being covered. Usually, treatments can last between fifteen minutes to one hour from start-to-end. Some people do request longer treatments. Click here for more details.


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